Naitri Rajyaguru

I'm a Computer Vision Research Engineer at Zupt LLC, a company at the forefront of underwater autonomous solutions.

In my career, I've worked at UMD's PRG lab with Prof. Aloimonos, contributing to their diverse research like auto calibration, drone navigation in complex environments,and coded aperture for navigation.

I have experience tackling a wide range of challenges, including tasks such as camera pose estimation and calibration, neural model compression, 3D scene reconstruction, image and depth inpainting, and robot localization.

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Computer Vision Research Engineer
Zupt LLC
July 2023 - Current
Research Intern
Summer 2022
M.Eng Robotics
University of Maryland, College Park
Research Associate
Swayyatt Robots
Feb 2021 - July 2021
B.Tech ECE


Excited to submit CodedVO to the RAL Journal.
CodedVO: Coded Visual Odometry
Naitri Rajyaguru*, Sachin Shah*, Chahat Deep Singh, Cornelia Fermüller, Christopher Metzler†, Yiannis Aloimonos†
*, † Equal Contribution

CodedVO, a novel monocular visual odometry method that leverages optical constraints from coded apertures to resolve scale ambiguity of monocular depth estimation.

Selected Projects

I'm interested in developing minimal cognitive architectures and tackling the challenges of building deployable Artificial Intelligent (AI) frameworks for resource-constrained robots.

Structure From Motion (SFM)
Report / Code

3D reconstruction of a scene and camera pose estimation.

Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Low Data Regime
Report / Code

Optimized model precision through Iterative Magnitude Pruning on 5% of weights with a 1000-sample dataset, creating a generalizable and high-performance model for diverse computer vision applications

Point Painiting : Point Cloud Object Segmentation

Semantic Segmentation for LIDAR & Camera using SegFormer.

Super pixel generation using SLIC and Image Segmentation

Segmentation network using SLIC Superpixels as input.

Panorama Stitching
Report / Code

Panoramic Image stitching using classical and deep learning method

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